Seneca Scott's rhetoric

A comprehensive list of Scott's bigoted, threatening, or otherwise problematic comments

Seneca Scott's rhetoric

Here’s an easy to peruse breakdown of Seneca Scott’s bigoted/dangerous behavior for reference.

Homophobia and transphobia

Seneca with transphobe “Billboard” Chris, who lost custody of his children because he refused to affirm their identity. He now solicits donations to travel the world with his sandwich boards.
Seneca comparing gender diverse and queer folks to pedophiles.
Not sure what point he was trying to make here.
Liking a reply from a neo-fascist account to self-proclaimed theocratic fascist Matt Walsh that calls “transgenderism” a cult.
Purposely misgendering a trans women and taking a dig at socialist women.
Seneca replies to a disinformation article that claims Harvard is offering courses teaching doctors to identify LGBTQIA+ infants. In reality, the courses are about children who are born intersex or with other nonstandard sex characteristics. Additionally, “ConceptualJames” is friends with Nicky Clyne, who helped run the sex cult NXIVM.
Replying to white supremacist page End Wokeness to decry drag.
The MAP Pride Flag is a 4chan hoax meant to smear the LGBTQ+ community.
Mocking gender neutral honorifics.
Victim blaming queer and trans people.
Seneca replying to a Nazi account equivocating trans people with Adolph Hitler. The meme itself was made by Nazis, made to insinuate they would save Hitler.

Anti-indigenous comments


Seneca claims Jewish council-members are selling out their own people by not condemning pro-Palestinian speakers.
Seneca insinuates CM Kaplan isn’t a real rabbi.
Seneca antagonizes CM Kaplan in reply to her posting the mourner’s kaddish, a prayer that Jews recite for the dead.
Questioning CM Kaplan’s Judaism and invoking the antisemitic trope of being in a “cabal”.

Threatening behavior

Seneca indirectly threatens Oakland CM Carroll Fife by claiming politicians will “feel the 2nd” Amendment.
Perhaps the most direct threat Seneca has made.
Threatening a local journalist.
Threatening violence against members of DSA.
On Reddit, Seneca pretends to be someone else while still being signed into his account and threatens someone for defending Cat Brooks.
Openly claiming he has killed someone.


Using creep shots to objectify women who attended events he helped plan.
Using misogynistic slurs against a longtime political activist in the Bay


Seneca cleverly plays on the R slur.
While this is obviously a reference to the quote from Tropic Thunder, it is completely divorced from the satirical nature of the film.
Replying to a tweet about disabled victims of the Holocaust to antagonize the Jewish Vice Mayor of Oakland.

Anti-vax and COVID conspiracy sentiment

Seneca responds to Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier Peter Sweden.

Possession of potentially illegal firearm accessories

This firearm’s drum magazine, foregrip, and foldable stock may be in violation of California PC 32310 and PC 30515.


Miscellaneous behavior

In response to concern regarding his crude rhetoric, Seneca responds with some crude rhetoric. This was during his mayoral run.
Mocking someone’s mental health for criticizing his rhetoric.
Appealing to right wing senator Rand Paul.
Retweeting Neo-Nazi Jack Posobiec and amplifying the astroturfed trucker protests in Canada.
Replying to Neo-Nazi Ian Miles Cheong and using the long-debunked 4chan meme of “soy boys”
Retweeting an InfoWars contributor, conspiracy theorist, and white supremacist.
This reads like Seneca advocating for extrajudicial murder.
Without evidence, Seneca claims that Sheng Thao staffer Brandon Harami sent bomb threats.
Seneca claims his likely character arc is that of The Punisher, a hyper violent vigilante murderer.
Replying to a white supremacist account and falling for an obvious troll account to spread transphobia and decry “wokes”.
Retweeting a racist conspiracy theorist account
Replying to 2 openly fascist accounts using coded antisemitism and transphobia simultaneously
Replying positively to a racist tweet from a racist writer
Again retweeting a Neo-Nazi spreading misinformation

Denouncements from local organizations

Oakhella, an organization Seneca co-founded, issued a statement distancing themselves from him after his transphobic comments during the mayoral race.
The editorial board of the Bay Area Reporter, an LGBTQ+ newspaper, wrote this article.

In addition to the above screenshots, multiple residents spoke to me about his threatening behavior and harassment, though I couldn’t verify every story. He has tweeted at Oakland CM Carroll Fife over 100 times, Oakland CM Rebecca Kaplan over 50 times, Oakland mayor Sheng Thao over 50 times, and APTP co-founder Cat Brooks over 50 times.

It is also important to note that these screenshots are only what I think rose to the level of dangerous, bigoted, or problematic. I received about 10x more images than what I’m sharing here.

If you have any screenshots or videos you think should be included here, you can e-mail them to me at